
Below you will find resources that we hope will encourage you in your ministry. Feel free to download and print our articles to keep or pass along to another.

Refreshing the Weary

Do Shepherds Need a Shepherd?
A minister's study of the Twenty-third Psalm.
By Judy Hughes
23rd Psalm.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [451.9 KB]
To Sleep
Many ministers struggle with getting enough sleep. Judy Hughes gives some tips and tricks to getting a good night's sleep.
To Sleep.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [264.7 KB]

Encouraging Integrity

Why Encourage Integrity?
Dr. Randy Hughes explains the importance of integrity in a minister's life.
Adobe Acrobat document [260.3 KB]

Strengthening Families

Coming Soon ...

"Playlist Parenting -- Don't Nag, Play a Song!"

Training in Ministry

Gospel Bracelet Ministry

Over 1000 bracelets have been taken to the far corners of the globe and used right here at home. Invite Vicki Marchbanks to come and demonstrate how to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ using these beautiful bracelets. You will be amazed at how quickly you can learn to share using these simple bracelets. Contact her at


Perhaps you are looking for a way to inspire women in your church. Invite Vicki to come and show you how to start a Gospel Bracelet Ministry in your church.

Short-term Mission Trip Tool Kit

Short Term Missions PowerPoint Presentation
Use this PowerPoint presentation to prepare your team for travel. This presentation includes teaching notes for the presenter.
Microsoft Power Point presentation [7.3 MB]
Blank Missions Application
This is a generic Missions application form that churches can use in putting together a missions team for a specific mission trip.
Microsoft Word document [73.0 KB]
Packing List
Sound advice for short-term mission trip packing
Keep This in Mind When Packing.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [100.5 KB]
Short-term Mission Trip Survival Kit
Assemble survival kits for each member of your short-term mission trip team. Attach a Scripture and explanation for each item, and use this devotional to get your team off on the right foot before venturing into unknown territory.
Survival devotional.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [42.6 KB]
Are You Ready for a Spiritual Cease-Fire?
Trusting God in the Midst of Conflict. A look at Psalm 46.
By Dr. Randy Hughes
Are You Ready for a Spiritual Cease (2).[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [270.7 KB]

Recommended Links

Contact Us

Shepherd's Rest Ministry

4600 W. Big Elm Rd.

 Moody, TX 76557


"I myself will tend my sheep, and cause them to lie down in peace." says the Sovereign Lord.  Ezekiel 34:15

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© Shepherd's Rest Ministry