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Schedule a Visit

Walk through the woods and along the creeks. Observe the wildlife and livestock. Or sit on the porch and visit a while. Get away from the grind and connect with your Maker. Contact us to schedule a visit.

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Submit Prayer Requests

If you would like to request prayer, feel free to fill out the information below.  All requests will be handled confidentially by Dr. Hughes.

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Shepherd's Rest Ministry

4600 W. Big Elm Rd.

Moody, TX 76557


Phone: 254 717-2217

Email: Amy Barker:

        Randy Hughes:


Come enjoy a relaxing cup of tea and a chat with us on the porch of Chapel Hill.

Contact Us

Shepherd's Rest Ministry

4600 W. Big Elm Rd.

 Moody, TX 76557


"I myself will tend my sheep, and cause them to lie down in peace." says the Sovereign Lord.  Ezekiel 34:15

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© Shepherd's Rest Ministry